Empowering Your Business,

Simplifying Your Success

Tired of the Never-Ending To-Do List That

Keeps Your Business Just Afloat?

Welcome aboard, friend—your people are right here and you are not alone!

Automation on a Mission is your go-to for turning overwhelming tasks into manageable steps. We specialize in transforming your day-to-day operations into efficient processes that do more than keep your business afloat—they propel it forward.


Because you’re not just running a business—you’re crafting a lifestyle.
And that’s no small feat.


To truly thrive and not just survive, you need to leverage tools that work as hard as you do. It’s time to empower your business. We’re here to light the way.

Tired of the Never-Ending To-Do List That

Keeps Your Business Just Afloat?

Welcome aboard, friend—your people are right here and you are not alone!

Automation on a Mission is your go-to for turning overwhelming tasks into manageable steps. We specialize in transforming your day-to-day operations into efficient processes that do more than keep your business afloat—they propel it forward.


Because you’re not just running a business—you’re crafting a lifestyle.
And that’s no small feat.


To truly thrive and not just survive, you need to leverage tools that work as hard as you do. It’s time to empower your business. We’re here to light the way.

What's up with Automation on a Mission?

Automation on a Mission was born out of a desire to cut through the noise - of gurus and "experts" teasing formulas promising overnight success and five hour work weeks.

Secret Revealed - it doesn't work this way

You won't find overnight miracles or that one secret recipe that solves all your business problems.

What you will find is a pathway to building a business that genuinely works for you—one that grows, scales, and adapts to your life, not the other way around. We believe in working smarter, not harder. We create tools and strategies that bring real freedom, expansion, and scalability.

What About Our Name?
How Did 'Automation on a Mission' Come to Be?

Originally, formed as Confluence Business Solutions, a name that reflected our aim to merge various business strategies into a unified solution. But as our focus shifted around what truly made our members thrive—automation and mission-driven strategies—the name Automation on a Mission was born.

The word "Automation" is at the core of what we do and our commitment that the processes we teach and technology provide serves you, not the other way around.

And "Mission"? Well, it's our commitment to empowering YOUR goals. You have a calling to do what you do in the world. It's our mission is to make that as easy as possible with them.

Meet our Team

Christi Norfleet Stafford


Christi is the Chief Automation Enthusiast who loves to say she wakes up each morning with one question in mind: "What can I automate today?" With a passion for crafting solutions that create ease and save gobs of time, Christi really does find joy in every simple, elegant solution—and she swears it’s like a dopamine rush!

As a youngster, Christi began her career as a wilderness instructor for at-risk youth on the rivers of Florida. It was in these challenging environments that she developed a knack for working with what you have and building systems and processes that are easy to maintain. These early experiences laid the foundation for her lifelong dedication to building smart, sustainable systems—skills she has honed in her 25+ years leading nonprofits.

After returning to school to challenge her own self-doubts, Christi earned a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership from Regis University in Denver, Colorado, and completed a prestigious coaching program at iPEC. These programs resulted in a unique blend of skills in strategy and implementation. Since founding Confluence Business Solutions in 2014, she has helped hundreds of business owners amplify their impact.

While Christi does not take lightly the responsibility her clients entrust in her when they work with her and her team on their dreams, she loves to keep things light-hearted with her corny humor and random stories of living life in a school bus and building a farm.

Annika Norfleet Stafford

Online Security & Digital Strategist

Anaka joined Confluence Business Solutions as a software developer and digital strategist. With a passion and curiosity for all things tech, she has developed her skills in the arena of APIs, application development and software engineering.

Amber Smith

Operations Manager

Amber Smith calls herself a Jack of all trades, Amber loves wearing multiple hats in a day. Amber has been a Customer Success Manager, Operations Manager, End of Life Caregiver, Nanny, and Executive Assistant. Nowadays, she can be found running the behind the scenes operations for several small businesses, assembling IKEA furniture, organizing closets, driving Uber or cleaning homes. She has a can-do spirit and her love for helping others and learning new skills knows no bounds. In her free time, she loves painting, dancing, and snuggling up to watch a good movie.

Enough About Us,

Let's Talk About You!

  • Want to run your business efficiently without being bogged down by day-to-day operations?

You Can!

  • Dream of scaling your business while still having time for your passions and family?

You Can!

  • Looking to streamline your processes so you can focus more on strategic growth rather than tedious tasks?

You Can!



Get started with Automation on a Mission and discover how to streamline your business and boost your sales with ease. Our program includes done for you set up, ongoing training & live support, and access to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who totally understand your challenges and ambitions.

Join hundreds of smart business owners and start working smarter not harder today!

We have solutions for a many service industries.

Choose the one that best suits you.

Got Questions?

Not sure if Automation on a Mission is right for you? No problem! Grab a spot on our calendar and we'll walk you through what we can do for you and how we help!