Grow Your Business and Serve Your Dream Wedding Couples

the Easy Way

Grow Your Business, Simplify Your Operations, and Provide Unforgettable Experiences with Our Comprehensive Planning Solution

(Get Instant Access when you register! Monthly pricing Starting at $127/mo)

Are You Struggling to Get More Wedding Clients

While Building a Sustainable Planning Business?

We get it! Balancing client expectations, coordinating with vendors, managing budgets, and keeping track of countless details can be exhausting. Many wedding professionals find themselves stretched thin, struggling to maintain the high standards their clients expect. Does this sound familiar?

  • Non-Committal Clients: Dealing with clients who don't commit or are only looking for the cheapest solution.

  • Client Information Overload: Drowning in client details, preferences, and communications.

  • Budget and Payment Chaos: Managing deposits, payments, and remaining balances can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

  • Vendor Coordination: Ensuring smooth communication and coordination with multiple vendors.

  • Manual Task Management: Spending too much time on repetitive tasks and follow-ups.

(Get Instant Access when you register! Monthly pricing Starting at $127/mo)

It's NO Surprise But...

Let's face it—some of the most creative and talented wedding professionals are making far too little money, and that's just not right. Call it rejecting the grind, rejecting the struggle, or rejecting the burnout. But there’s a more efficient, more manageable way to do things. We call it pro-efficiency, pro-ease. Because there is always an easier way.

You don’t have to run yourself into the ground and you don't need to hire some crazy expensive agency to build a thriving business. With the right strategy and tools in place, you can work less while achieving more. It's about working smarter, not harder, and focusing on what truly matters—creating unforgettable experiences for your clients.

Introducing Automation on a Mission

The Wedding Planning Edition

Your all-in-one sales and marketing system equipped with strategy and support, tailored for wedding planners ready to elevate their operations.

Automation on a Mission simplifies your prospecting and client relationships while helping you do more with ease. Spend less time struggling and more time focusing on what you do best—delivering outstanding service and growing your business because you know your system is built to support and sustain your growth. You got this!

(Get Instant Access when you register! Monthly pricing Starting at $127/mo)

Land More Ideal Wedding Couples,

Streamline Your Workflow &

Improve Client Satisfaction

Comprehensive Lead & Client Management

Keep all client and lead information organized and customized to your unique planning needs, accessible in one place, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

Pre-Built Automated Workflows & Email Templates

We've crafted your complete customer journey, with automated workflows, emails, SMS, and more to ensure your wedding couples are nurtured and see the value in working with you, every step of the way.

Send Proposals and Contracts

Easily generate and manage proposals and contracts through automation, streamlining your booking process and ensuring all agreements are professionally handled.

Task and Calendar Management

Schedule consultations, manage timelines, and track tasks with integrated calendar and task management tools, keeping your planning process organized.

Send Invoices & Collect Payments

Simplify payment processes with built-in tools for invoicing and collecting payments, making financial management straightforward and efficient.

Websites and Funnels

Create your own or use pre-built website templates and sales funnels to attract and convert more of your ideal couple, providing a professional online presence and effective lead capture.

(Get Instant Access when you register! Monthly pricing Starting at $127/mo)

We're Your Wedding Planning Solution With a Pretty Little Bow On It!

We're More than Just a Technology Platform: We Are Expert Support & Comprehensive Tools to Elevate Your Business. And the Best Thing Is, We Set It Up For You!

Weekly Live Q&A Calls & Hands On Support

Get hands-on support and development with our weekly live Q&A sessions, ensuring you have the guidance you need to overcome challenges and optimize your planning and succeed.

100+ Customized Email Templates

We provide a full suite of email templates to keep your clients engaged and informed. They include:
6 Email Welcome Series: Make a great first impression with a structured welcome series.
18 Weekly Emails for Nurture Series: Keep your leads warm and engaged over time.
5 Major Holiday Emails: Stay top-of-mind during key holidays.
12 Monthly Newsletter Templates: Regular updates to keep your audience informed.
Appointment Reminder Emails: Reduce no-shows with timely reminders.
Lead Magnet Follow-Up: Convert leads with targeted follow-up emails.
Check-In Emails: Maintain strong communication during the planning phase.

18+ Automated Workflows Built For You

Our pre-built automations streamline your business while tending to every part of your client journey. They Include:

Expo/Event Follow-Up Series: Turn event contacts into clients with expo announcements and follow ups.

New Lead Invitation: Seamlessly transition leads to booked appointments.

Booked Appointment Reminders: Ensure clients are prepared and excited for their appointments.

Database Reactivation: Re-engage past clients and leads.

List Management Automation: Keep your contact lists organized and up-to-date with custom segmentation.

Invoicing/Contracts: Simplify your financial processes with automated invoicing and contracts.

Testimonials & Referrals: Leverage client feedback to attract new business.

Anniversary Celebration: Celebrate client milestones with follow up.

Holiday Nurture Workflows: Stay connected during holidays with special workflows.

Automated Sales & Planning Pipelines

Tailored pipelines to manage both the sales process and the planning and execution phases with clients, ensuring smooth transitions and efficient operations.

Automate actions associated with important milestones in your planning business to support your sales and support teams.

Proposals and Contracts

Easily generate and manage proposals and contracts through automation, streamlining your booking process and ensuring all agreements are professionally handled.

Task and Calendar Management

Schedule consultations, manage timelines, and track tasks with integrated calendar and task management tools, keeping your planning process organized.

Payment Collection and Invoicing

Simplify payment processes with built-in tools for invoicing and collecting payments, making financial management straightforward and efficient.

Websites and Funnels

While we have several pre-built wedding specific website and landing page templates, you can choose from hundreds of others that you can design and make your own.

Use your existing website, or host in our platform and build content to attract and convert more of your ideal couple, providing a professional online presence and effective lead capture.

A Few of Our Success Stories!

I get it, as an entrepreneur myself, I know first-hand the loneliness and struggles that can come from starting and running a business. I've devoted my work to making entrepreneurship

easier and less overwhelming!

You know those kids that were making bank on the sidewalk selling lemonade? Yeah, that wasn't me. I was the kid who lost the sign-up sheet for Girl Scout Cookies and ate my inventory of the World's Finest Chocolate Bars. Truth be told, if given the chance, I’d probably do the same today.

Yet somewhere along the journey into adulthood, I discovered that my need to do meaningful work made me pretty persuasive as a non-profit leader. And while I'm no longer in the trenches of charitable work, my calling to make a difference is just as much a guiding force as it ever was.

After launching a successful social enterprise (think: do good/feel good business with a social purpose), it was time I took that passion and expertise to the masses.

There were very few resources for bootstrappers like myself to learn and grow a business, and I made a lot of mistakes along the way. Business ownership appeared much prettier on the outside than it was in reality, and I found myself feeling isolated, lonely, and destined for failure.

It is my belief that if you have the vision and will to make it happen, there should be a seat for you at the table. And since there wasn't one when I started my business, I made one!

Our Mission is to reduce the number of small businesses that don't make it to their five year mark.

Our promise to you is to make entrepreneurship easy.

(Get Instant Access when you register! Monthly pricing Starting at $127/mo)

Here's how it works...

Sign Up & Kick Start

As soon as you sign up, you get immediate access to your account. Meet with our team and share about your wedding planning business, your unique vision and needs so we can tailor the system specifically for you.

We Build, You Relax

Sit back while we configure your all-in-one system. Every tool you need will be customized to fit your specific business needs seamlessly.

Launch & Grow

Launch your optimized wedding planning business with confidence and watch it flourish. With our ongoing support, you're set for continuous growth and success.

(Get Instant Access when you register! Monthly pricing Starting at $127/mo)

What Our Members are Saying...

"I love That I can get all this done and with amazing support behind the scenes!"

"Automation on a Mission helps me with my greatest weakness...follow up!"

We've Helped Hundreds of Clients Grow and Scale their

Business with the Power of Automation

Over the last 10 years, we've helped clients struggling with the same challenges. There's never enough time, they're lost and overwhelmed with what to do first, second, and third and marketing their own business is hard!

We built Automation on a Mission to solve these problems!

So if you're sitting on the sidelines wondering, or waiting for that

goal (it's usually things like a client or money goal), stop waiting.

(Get Instant Access when you register! Monthly pricing Starting at $127/mo)

More From Our Members

(Get Instant Access when you register! Monthly pricing Starting at $127/mo)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Automation on a Mission?

This is likely the question we get asked the most, simply because we're pretty unique! Automation on a Mission is your technology, marketing strategy, data analytics and training all in one. Most solutions out there are great at offering one thing. Leaving you to figure out the rest by yourself. This oftentimes leaves small business owners overwhelmed and out-priced. We made Automation on a Mission to bring great sales and marketing practices to the smallest of businesses all the way up. One of its best features is its ability to scale with you.

Who makes Automation on a Mission?

For ten years, Confluence Business Solutions provided automated solutions and services for entrepreneurs with Christi Stafford the founding team member. In 2024, the business name was changed to more closely align with it's core program, Automation on a Mission. We are a women owned business with more than a decade of experience with sales and marketing automation and strategy.

Who is Automation on a Mission for?

While we have solutions that work for nearly every niche of small businesses, we created Automation on a Mission for service-based entrepreneurs, and we love helping answer questions if you're not sure this is right for you.

What Platform is this built on?

We are proud to bring you a truly one of a kind solution, built on the popular GoHighLevel platform. An enterprise-level software that has been developed and tested by over 10,000+ consumers worldwide. By utilizing a platform that was already built and ready for white labeling saves us tremendous time, while providing unprecedented support, product growth and development. We have chosen this platform because there is truly no other platform like it.

What if I have problems or challenges in the future?

In addition to our ever-growing vault of learning content, we offer in-app support to solve problems, and a private FB Group for future growth and masterminding.

As my business grows, does my price increase?

No! We believe you should be able to celebrate your success and not have to worry about what sacrifices you have to make. When we say unlimited contacts and users, we mean it!

Automation on a Mission Pricing

Wedding Planner Edition

Click to see Monthly/Annual Pricing Options


5 Page Website Designed

What's Included

  • Custom Wedding Website w/Basic SEO Set-Up

  • Unlimited Contacts

  • Automated Sales Pipeline Management

  • Perfect Customer Journey Automation Set Up

    • 100+ Custom Emails

    • 18+ Automated Workflows

    • Supporting Features like calendaring & Invoicing

    • 12 Monthly Curated Newsletters

  • Wedding Portal/Course Area

  • Business Phone Line w/ Missed Call Text Back

  • Chat Widget & Cookie Tracking

  • Calendar Booking System w/ Appointment Reminders

  • Payment Processing & ECommerce

  • Contracts/Estimates/Proposals

One-Time Set-Up Fee: $1,470

Annual Pricing: $1,270/year


Unlimited Pages Website

What's Included

  • Everything in the Pro Plan, +

  • Ai Chat Bot Developed for Your Business

  • Ongoing SEO Optimized Blog Content

  • Monthly Newsletter

  • Scheduled Daily Social Media Posts

  • Marketing Team On-Demand (10 Hours per Month)

One-Time Set-Up Fee: $1,997

Annual Pricing: $12,000/year

Got Questions?

Not sure if Automation on a Mission is right for you? No problem! Grab a spot on our calendar and we'll walk you through what we can do for you and how we help!

There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. There is no guarantee that you will make any income at all and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. Each individual’s success depends on their background, dedication, desire, and motivation. The use of our information, products, and services should be based on your own due diligence, and you agree that Confluence Business Solutions is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this website.

Automation on a Mission offers two to three pricing plans depending on the solution with the following Message and Data rates:

Standard Plan: Includes 3000 emails, 142 minutes of phone usage, or 252 text segments per month.

Professional Plan: Includes 5000 emails, 238 minutes of phone usage, or 420 text segments per month.

Premium Plan: Includes 10,000 emails, 476 minutes of phone usage, or 840 text segments per month.

Any usage that exceeds your plan's included credits will be billed at the following overage rates: $0.001 per email, $0.021 per minute of phone usage, and $0.0119 per text segment. These overage charges are set to cover our costs without any profit margin. Our goal is to provide you with the best value while maintaining the quality of our services.