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launching a new product

4 Steps To Launching A New Product

October 14, 20249 min read

Take Your Next Product From "Just An Idea" to Business Success!

So it’s time to take your skills, expertise and methods and turn it into a transformative program for your audience but you’re not sure where to start? Let’s break down the four steps you should take when launching a new product!

If the idea of launching a new product or service feels overwhelmed, you're not alone. Many business owners struggle with the complexities of launching; not quite sure of the steps involved or how to execute them effectively.

The good news? A successful launch doesn't have to be a mystery. With the right approach, you can create a launch that not only showcases your unique gifts but also connects deeply with the people you're meant to serve.

Let’s walk through the four essential steps for a successful launch. Whether you're offering a free workshop or a paid program, these steps will help you navigate the launch process with confidence and clarity. 

Step 1: Define Your Launch Goals and Audience

Before you start creating your offer or planning your promotional strategy, we must start by laying  a strong foundation. This first step is all about getting clear on what you want to achieve and who you want to reach.

Setting Clear, Measurable Objectives for Your Launch

Start by asking yourself:

• What specific outcome do I want from this launch?
Is my goal to build my email list, generate a certain number of sales, or perhaps establish my authority in a particular niche?

• How will I measure success?

Example: "My goal is to enroll 10 new clients into my 12-week 'Mindful Transformation' coaching program, generating $15,000 in revenue."

Remember, your goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Identifying &  Understanding Your Target Audience

Once you know what you want to achieve, now it’s time to focus on the audience you want to reach with this offer.

Start with these questions:

• Who is your ideal client for this offer?

• What are their biggest challenges and deepest desires?

• Where do they hang out online and offline?

The more specific you can be, the better. This deep understanding of your target audience will be the guide for all your launch messaging and promotion.

Conducting Market Research to Validate Your Offer

Before you invest your precious time and energy into a launch, it's wise to take a few extra steps and validate your new offer.

To help you test out your new idea, try these few things:

• Reach out to past clients or your email list for feedback

• Conduct surveys or informal conversations with your target audience

• Research similar offers in the market to understand positioning and pricing

Taking these steps can give you some very valuable insights and help refine your offer to better meet your audience's needs.

Creating an Ideal Client Avatar for Your Launch

Now that your audience research is done and you have a solid understanding of who you’re speaking to, create a detailed ideal client profile.

To make your profile detailed and complete include the following:

• Demographics (age, gender, location, etc.)

• Psychographics (values, beliefs, lifestyle)

• Their specific challenges related to your offer

• Their goals and what success looks like to them

• Where they seek information and support

Example: "Sarah is a 35-year-old working mother who's struggling to balance her career and family life. She values personal growth but often feels too overwhelmed to focus on herself. She's looking for practical mindfulness techniques that she can integrate into her busy day. Sarah often browses self-improvement content on Instagram during her commute and listens to wellness podcasts while doing household chores."

By taking the time to clearly define your goals and deeply understand your audience, you're setting yourself up for a more focused and effective launch. 

Step 2: Craft Your Irresistible Offer

Your goals are set, your ideal client well defined, now it’s time to build out your new offer that your audience simply can’t resist!

Highlight the Transformation Your Offer Provides

As you position your offer, remember, what you’re creating isn’t just a service; it’s a transformation that will make a difference to your ideal client. 

To get really clear on that transformation, ask yourself the following questions:

• What specific problem does your offer solve?

• How will your clients' lives be different after working with you?

• What unique approach or methodology do you use?

Example: "My 'Mindful Transformation' program helps busy professionals reduce stress and increase productivity through daily mindfulness practices, resulting in improved work-life balance and overall well-being.”

Structuring Your Offer & Set Pricing

When it comes to the actual structure of your offer, be sure to consider the following elements and design your product accordingly

• Program length (e.g., 6 weeks, 3 months)

• Delivery method (one-on-one coaching, group sessions, self-paced course)

• Frequency of interactions (weekly calls, daily check-ins)

• Any bonuses or additional resources (workbooks, audio lessons, etc.)

The structure of your product should support the transformation you are promising while also allowing your ideal client to navigate and implement it with ease. 

When deciding how to price your offer, take a look at a few things:

• The value of the transformation you're offering

• Your target audience's budget

• Market rates for similar programs

• Your own time and expertise

Don't undersell yourself, but ensure your pricing aligns with your audience's expectations and perceived value.

Creating a Compelling Offer Description

Craft a description that speaks directly to your ideal client's desires and pain points. Make sure to include:

• The specific outcomes they'll achieve

• What makes your approach unique

• The format and what's included

• Any time-sensitive bonuses or limited spots to create urgency

Remember, focus on benefits, not just features. Your clients care about how your offer will change their lives, not just what they'll get.

launching a new product

Step 3: Design Your Promotion Strategy

Your offer is ready and now it’s time to put your promotion strategy in place. This part of the launch process can be broken down into 4 steps:

  1. Set the length of promotion & create a launch content calendar. 
    A typical promotion period might range from 1-3 weeks for a lower-priced offer, to 4-6 weeks for a high-ticket program. Within that time period plan your content in advance; create a mix of teaser, educational and conversion content so you’re speaking to each part of the customer journey 

  2. Choose your promo channels & start creating content 
    Select channels where your ideal clients are most active; email marketing, social (choose 1 or 2), podcasts, guest blogs, webinars & live workshops. Remember to focus on quality over quantity with your promo content. 

    Within this content, create a mix of storytelling that resonates with your target audience, speak to pain points and desires and showcase transformations with customer testimonials and case studies. 

  3. Focus on building anticipation with pre-launch events or freebies
    Create excitement around your new product by offering things like early-bird pricing, sign on bonuses and sharing behind the scenes content.

    As part of this build up, offering high value free content - workshops, email courses, guides - allows your audience to get a taste of what the main offer will deliver.

Overall,  your promotion strategy should feel like a natural conversation with your audience, not a pushy sales pitch. Focus on providing value and building genuine connections throughout your launch.

Step 4: Execute Your Launch and Follow-Up

You’ve done all the planning and now it’s time to launch your new offer! This part of the process probably feels like the most daunting and overwhelming, but if you’ve done all the pre-launch planning the actual launch can be the easiest part. 

Use these best practice tips to make sure you’re launching in the best way possible!

  • Implement your promotion plan

    • Stick to your content calendar, but be flexible if needed.

    • Engage actively with your audience – respond to comments and messages promptly.

    • Monitor your metrics (email open rates, social media engagement, website traffic) and adjust your strategy if necessary.

  • Be sure to engage with your audience during the launch process

    • Host live Q&A sessions to address concerns and build excitement.

    • Share real-time updates and milestones to create a sense of community.

    • Be authentic and vulnerable – share your own excitement and even fears about the launch.

  • Create a follow-up email sequence

    • Develop a series of emails to nurture leads after they've shown interest.

    • Include a mix of value-adding content, social proof, and clear calls-to-action.

    • Segment your list based on subscriber actions to provide more targeted follow-up.

  • Address any repeated objections or concerns 

    • Anticipate potential concerns (e.g., time commitment, price, readiness) and address them proactively.

    • Use FAQs, testimonials, and case studies to overcome objections.

  • Offer support throughout the launch

    • Be available and responsive during your launch period.

    • Consider offering 1:1 "clarity calls" for those who are on the fence.

    • Create resources (like FAQs or short videos) to address common questions.

  • Set time post-launch to analyze your data and results. 

    • Review your metrics against your initial goals.

    • Collect feedback from both buyers and non-buyers.

    • Use these insights to improve future launches.

Remember, your launch doesn't end when sales close. The way you onboard and serve your new clients in this offer will set the stage for new testimonials and referrals - and that is crucial in continuing to build and scale your business

A Few Bonus Tips for Launch Success

  • Utilizing the power of automation to take tasks off your plate 

  • Use email marketing platforms to schedule and automate your email sequences.

  • Set up chatbots to answer common questions on your website or social media.

  • Utilize social media scheduling tools to maintain consistent posting.

  • Tap into your your existing network and clients

  • Reach out to past clients for testimonials or to offer special "alumni" rates.

  • Create a referral program to incentivize word-of-mouth marketing.

  • Collaborate with colleagues or complementary businesses for cross-promotion.

  • Prepare and test all tech pieces prior to launch

  • Test all your systems (payment processing, course delivery, etc.) before launching.

  • Have a plan B for technology failures (e.g., backup streaming options for webinars).

  • Create templates for common communications to save time during the busy launch period.

It’s important to remember that no launch is perfect, and each one is a learning experience so be kind to yourself and patient throughout the process. Stay connected to your "why," and focus on serving your audience. With each launch, you'll gain valuable insights that will make your next one even more successful!

Launching a new program doesn't have to be overwhelming. By following these four steps – defining your goals and audience, crafting an irresistible offer, designing a strategic promotion plan, and executing with authentic follow-up – you're setting yourself up for successful launch. 

Every launch is a learning experience and when you embrace the process, stay connected to your purpose, and be flexible throughout, launching will get easier and easier. 

Ready to turn these insights into action? We can help! At Automation On A Mission we can support you with the sales and marketing automation and coaching to turn your big idea into a transformative offer! Book your free demo here! 

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