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Insightful tips, in-depth guides, and essential resources to help you streamline your business operations and enhance efficiency, so you can focus on what truly matters!

lead magnet

The Do's & Don'ts Of Creating Your Next Great Lead Magnet

June 17, 20246 min read

When you are growing a business online, capturing the attention of your audience is a big part of your marketing efforts. The next goal is gathering the contact information of potential customers in that audience. That is where a really valuable lead magnet steps in as the star of the show! 

A lead magnet - or freebie - is a free item or service provided in exchange for someone’s contact info. A lead magnet comes in a variety of mediums; it can be an eBook, a checklist, a coupon code or any other type of content that meets a need.

The concept is a simple one: a free piece of highly desirable content in exchange for an email address and/or phone number.

And lead magnets are not just about growing your email list; they are a strategic part of your overall marketing strategy. They help in building brand trust with your audience by allowing you to nurture these new leads until they are ready to make a purchase. 

A gotta-have-it lead magnet should…

  • Address a specific need or problem

  • Provide quick wins and immediate answers

  • Speak to a transformation your audience is looking for

So now that we know why you need a lead magnet as part of your marketing strategy, let’s get into the do’s and don’ts of creating your next great freebie! 

lead magnet

The Do's of Creating a Lead Magnet

Do: Understand Your Audience & What They Need

  • Research and Insights: Before diving into the creation of your lead magnet, invest the time in understanding your audience and what they need. Analyze their challenges, interests and behaviors through surveys, social media conversations and listening and customer feedback. This kind of deep understanding will make it so much easier for you to create a lead magnet that your audience needs.

  • Tailor The Content: Customize your lead magnet to directly address the specific problems or desires of your target audience. The more it resonates with their needs, the higher the likelihood of conversion.

Do: Offer Real, Usable Value

  • Quality Over Quantity: It’s non-negotiable that the content of your lead magnet isn’t just filler material. Make sure you are providing substantial and useful information or tools that can make a real difference in your audience's life. This could be in the form of actionable tips, insider knowledge or hands-on tools.

  • Expertise and Uniqueness: Use your lead magnet to highlight your unique value proposition (USP). Share expert insights or data-driven advice that isn’t readily available elsewhere. This establishes your authority, credibility and sets your brand apart from competitors.

Do: Make It Easy To Access & Easy to Digest

  • Clear and Concise: Your lead magnet should be so easy for your audience to access and consume. If it’s a document, like an eBook or a guide, make sure it is well-organized with a clear structure, headings and bullet points. If it’s a video or recorded content, keep it concise and focused.

  • Professional Presentation: The appearance of your lead magnet can greatly influence its perceived value. Use high-quality graphics, a clean layout, and professional fonts. If your target audience sees your lead magnet as a high quality piece of content, this translates into their overall perception of your brand. 

Do: Focus On A Quick Win

  • Immediate Gratification: Your lead magnet should provide a quick win for your audience. It should help them achieve an immediate result or gain a new understanding that they can apply right away. This kind of instant satisfaction can make a lasting impression and increases the chances that they will continue to engage with your, your content and eventually become a paying client or customer.

  • Easy to Implement: Within your lead magnet, the information should be presented in a simple, straightforward way. Provide step-by-step instructions, tips or tools that the user can easily start to use. The less complicated it is to achieve results, the more valuable your lead magnet becomes.

The Don'ts of Creating a Lead Magnet

Don't: Overcomplicate Your Offer

  • Simplicity Is Key: Keep your lead magnet straightforward and focused. If your topic is overly complex or you try to cover too much, your audience may skip it all together. Always aim for a clear, manageable solution to a specific challenge or problem they have.

  • Avoid Jargon: Unless your target audience is highly specialized, stay away from using industry-specific jargon or terms that might confuse them. Use clear, accessible language that makes your content easy to understand and implement.

Don't: Ignore the Follow-Up

  • Engagement Strategy: The journey shouldn’t end at the download. Create a follow-up email sequence to continue engaging and nurturing your leads. This email series should provide additional value, encourage more interaction and guide them towards your offerings.

  • Segmentation and Personalization: Take the extra step and customize your follow-up communications based on the information provided by the leads. Tailor your messaging and email content to meet their specific interests or needs. This increases that Know, Like & Trust factor - which is crucial in building a successful business.  

Don't: Neglect Testing & Optimization

  • A/B Testing: Plan to test various elements of your lead magnet - headlines, images, call-to-action buttons - to see which versions perform best. This allows you to refine and better optimize your lead magnet based on real data.

  • Feedback Loop: Actively seek feedback from users about their experience with your lead magnet. This can be done at points in your follow-up email sequence! Then use those insights to make adjustments and improve future versions of your lead magnet. This is also a fantastic way to better understand your target audience! 

Don't: Overpromise & Under-Deliver

  • Manage Expectations: Your lead magnet should accurately reflect what you can realistically provide. Overselling its value can lead to disappointment and break any trust you are building with your audience.

  • Deliver on Promises: Whatever your lead magnet promises, make sure it delivers. This will build credibility and can easily convert a one-time download into a long-term customer/client relationship.

Don't: Forget About Design & Accessibility

  • Professional Design: Like we mentioned in the Do’s, a well-designed lead magnet is more likely to be perceived as valuable and therefore increase your credibility. Make sure that the layout, graphics and overall design are well done to enhance readability and engagement.

  • Mobile-Friendly Formats: Most lead magnets are downloaded and opened on mobile devices, so make sure the format is totally mobile-friendly. With the increasing use of mobile devices, ensure your lead magnet is easily accessible and readable on all screens. This increases its reach and usability, making it more effective.

A highly valuable lead magnet can be one of the most effective strategies for building your email list, increasing leads and growing brand authority!

Before you sit down to create your next great freebie, go through this list of Do’s and Don’ts so you can make sure the content you’re creating is going to do the work you want it to.

Remember, the goal of your lead magnet is to offer value that cements trust and establishes your authority, making further engagement and conversion an easy choice for your audience. 

Part of what we do at Automation On A Mission is to help you find that perfect blend of incredible strategy, business-building automation and industry-proven marketing tactics. If you’re ready to take your business out of this world, reach out to us and let’s talk! Click here to book your call! 

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