Insightful tips, in-depth guides, and essential resources to help you streamline your business operations and enhance efficiency, so you can focus on what truly matters!


Insightful tips, in-depth guides, and essential resources to help you streamline your business operations and enhance efficiency, so you can focus on what truly matters!

discovery call

How To Structure A Discovery Call: 7 Steps To Sales Success

June 24, 20248 min read

Part of building a business is connecting with clients who need you and who you would love to work with. As you grow that client list one of the most powerful tools you’ll have in your repertoire is a discovery call! 

Think of discovery calls as a bridge between the “Hi! Nice to meet you!” and the “Can’t wait to work with you!” 

A well structured discovery call is an opportunity for you and your prospective client to get to know each other but, more importantly, for you to understand the unique needs they have. It’s also the perfect time to really get into how what you do is the solution for the challenges they have. 

Structuring these calls effectively can dramatically increase your conversion rates and make sure that both you and your prospective client get the most out of the conversation. 

We are laying out the 7 steps we teach at Automation On A Mission to help guide you on how to drive discovery calls that not only lead to immediate sales but also lays the foundation for ongoing client engagement.

discovery call

7 Steps To A Make-The-Sale Discovery Call 

Step 1: Setting the Stage

The effectiveness of a discovery call depends quite a bit on the clarity and purpose that you establish at the very beginning. This step can be completed before the call begins simply by the title of the appointment.

For many, hosting a coffee chat is not the same as hosting a discovery call. And you may find some uncomfortable squirming if you dive into asking for the sale during a coffee chat for example.

Here’s how we like to set the stage for a successful call:

  • Purpose of the Call:
    This can be in your email reminders, the description you offer when you invite them to a call, or at the beginning of the call itself. Is it to close a sale, qualify a prospective client, foster a partnership or simply gather more information?

    Knowing the purpose of your call before you dial in will guide the direction of the conversation and the questions you need to ask
    (insert flashbacks of the "I just want to be friends" era - awkward!).

  • Aligning Expectations:
    At the start of the call, take a moment to confirm that everyone is clear about the purpose and intended outcomes. This may involve a quick summary of what you understand their needs to be and an outline of what they can expect to learn or decide by the end of the call.
    Knowing and clearly communicating with your prospective client helps to prevent any miscommunication and sets a mutual understanding, which is essential for building any kind of trust and rapport.

Step 2: Breaking the Ice

Those first few minutes of a discovery call sets the tone for the rest of the conversation. It’s important to start on a friendly, comfortable and positive note! 

  • Create a Personal Connection:
    Begin the call by making a personal connection of some kind. This doesn't mean diving into someone’s personal life obviously, but rather showing genuine interest in their professional role or mentioning a common interest or connection.

    For example, you could start with something as simple as, “
    I noticed on LinkedIn you’ve worked extensively in the marketing field. How did you get started in that area?” Or maybe you have a personal connection or interest in the area they live in. Mention that, express your interest or ask questions about the area. People love to talk about themselves and their lives so allow a few minutes for that!

  • Try A Few Ice Breakers:
    Unlike those corporate retreat boredom breakers, try a few icebreakers to get conversation going!

    Ask your prospective client about their last major business achievements, the best business book they’re read recently or the best thing they remember from summers as a kid - make it fun and casual! 

Step 3: Establishing Goals & Setting the Tone

Once the ice is broken, it’s your job to steer the conversation towards the objectives you’ve set. 

  • Clarifying Objectives:
    Reiterate the main goals of the call and confirm with the client that these are still the areas they are interested in exploring. Ask if there are any additional points they’d like to cover or questions they have.

  • Tone Setting:
    The overall tone of the discovery call will greatly influence its outcome and it’s up to you to set that tone.

    Balance professionalism with approachability and be yourself! These clients will be working with you so it’s important to present yourself and your business in a truly authentic light.

    Be respectful and listen actively, but also be confident and direct when talking about what you can offer them. 

Step 4: Navigating the Conversation

Being able to effectively navigate a discovery call is important so that you make the most of the conversation. Make sure you’re fully understanding their needs and asking the important questions. 

  • Understanding Client Needs:
    Start the convo with open-ended questions that allow your prospective client to talk honestly about their current challenges and expectations.

    Questions like, "
    What are the biggest challenges you're currently facing?" or "Can you describe a typical day dealing with this issue?" will give you valuable insight into what it is they’re facing and how you can help them.

  • Strategic Questioning:
    As you chat, use the information you’re gathering to ask more focused questions that help guide the client towards recognizing the value of your solutions.

    For example, if a client mentions difficulty in managing their customer data, you might ask, "
    How important is improving data management to your overall business strategy?" This not only highlights the problem area but also starts to position your service as the potential solution.

Step 5: Offering Solutions

Once you have a clear understanding of the client's needs and challenges, it’s time to present your services or products as the right solution.

This step is where you turn a prospect into a client!  

  • Presenting Your Services:
    At this point, you will lay out - in simple and clear terms, how your services or products address the needs, challenges and problems you’ve identified during the conversation.

    Use specific examples or client examples that relate directly to their situation. For example, "
    Based on what you've told me about your data management challenges, our CRM system could really streamline your processes. One of our recent clients saw a 30% increase in efficiency after implementation."

  • Handling Objections:
    It’s totally natural for clients to have reservations or objections to the services or solutions you’re presenting. This is a normal part of a discovery call and you should be ready to address those professionally and positively.

    If a client is concerned about the cost, illustrate the long-term ROI or offer
    flexible payment options. Respond with understanding and provide clear, simple information that reassures them about the value of the solution you’re presenting.

    For instance, "
    I understand that the initial investment is significant. However, the cost is offset by the increase in productivity and sales our clients typically experience within the first six months."

Step 6: Closing Your Discovery Call

Ending a discovery call may seem like the easy part, but effective closing techniques will be the deciding factor.This involves clear communication of the next steps and securing a commitment when possible.

  • Making the Offer:
    After discussing how your solutions meet their needs, present your offer clearly and confidently. Set the scene for what they can expect once they’re chosen your product or service. Then lay out the next steps they will take to get started.

    For example, "Based on our discussion, I believe our [specific service] is the best fit for you. We can start with an initial phase, which includes [specific features], at [price]. What do you think?"

  • Securing A Commitment:
    If you feel comfortable and confident with how the call has gone, encourage the client to make a decision during the call. You might use a direct approach like, "
    Would you like us to move forward with the paperwork so we can start addressing [their pain point] right away?"

    If they are hesitant, identify the hesitation and address it directly, providing any additional information or reassurance. But always proceed with a professional and understanding attitude! This may be a big step for them and you are there to be a support, not a hard sell. 

Step 7: Follow-Up Strategies

No matter the outcome of the call, it’s important to have a structured follow-up strategy. Whether or not the call ends in a sale, you should see it as establishing a relationship! 

  • Post-Call Actions:
    Immediately after the call, send a thank-you email that summarizes the discussion points and any agreements or actions mutually decided upon. Include any additional information or resources that were promised during the call, and outline the next steps and timelines.

  • Maintaining Engagement:
    Schedule follow-up actions, such as a check-in call or an email update on the status of their issue or your service offerings. Use a CRM system to remind you of these follow-ups, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to reconnect.

Discovery calls can seem intimidating but when you go into them with a clear plan, success is in your corner!

Knowing how to structure your calls, guide the conversation and follow up effectively can significantly increase the chances of that prospective client becoming a paying client. 

Part of what we do at Automation On A Mission is help our clients not only implement business building systems and automations but also learn the strategies behind effective marketing!

Reach out and let us know how we can support you! 

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