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Top 5 Scary Things About Running A Business

October 21, 20246 min read

That Don't Need to Be Scary!

Let's face it: running a business can sometimes feel like starring in your own horror movie. From the dread of making sales calls to the terror of seeing yourself on video, entrepreneurship comes with its fair share of fears. But here's the plot twist – these scary aspects of business don't have to keep you up at night!

We’re shining a light on five common fears that haunt many coaches and healers in their business journey. And more importantly, we'll show you why these fears are more like harmless shadows than real monsters, and give you practical tips to face them head-on.

Ready to turn your business fears into superpowers? Let's dive in!

#1 Scary Thing: Selling

Why it's scary…

Many of us are conditioned to feel like selling is pushy or manipulative. So when it comes time to show up and sell our services or product, that narrative pops up and it leads to fearing the selling or being perceived as “salesy”.  

Why you don’t need to be afraid of selling…

Selling, at its core, is simply connecting people with solutions to their problems. As a service provider, the thing you are selling can genuinely improve lives – selling is how you make your impact.

Tips to make it less scary:

• Reframe selling as serving. You're not pushing; you're offering help.

• Focus on listening to your potential clients' needs rather than pitching.

• Practice your offer explanation until it feels natural and authentic.

• Remember: a 'no' isn't personal; it's just not the right fit or timing.

#2 Scary Thing: Getting on Camera

Why it's scary…

Putting yourself on camera and then sharing that video as part of your sales & marketing strategy can fire up a fear of judgment or simply disliking how we look or sound. Maybe you struggle with how to effectively show up on camera and this causes further frustration and fear of failure. There are lots of reasons why getting on camera can be scary!

Why you don’t need to be afraid of getting on camera…

In the current online marketing climate, video is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your audience. It allows your personality to shine and builds trust faster than any other medium.

While it may not feel super comfortable, it’s in the best interest of your business and business goals that you start to work through these fears and find ways to make getting on camera a bit less scary. 

Strategies to become more comfortable:

• Start small – practice with short, informal videos before tackling longer content.

• Prepare, but don't over-script. Bullet points keep you natural yet focused.

• Remember, your audience wants to see the real you – perfection isn't required.

• Focus on the value you're providing rather than how you look.

• Practice regularly – the more you do it, the more comfortable you'll become.

#3 Scary Thing: Writing for an Audience

Why it's scary…

The fear of judgment, writer's block, and the pressure to sound 'professional' can make writing feel daunting and overwhelming.

Why you don’t need to be afraid of writing for your audience…

Written content is a powerful tool for showcasing your expertise and connecting with your audience. You are able to express your thoughts and tell stories in a way that your audience is comfortable with. Plus, unlike live video, you can edit and refine your message.

Techniques to improve your writing and boost confidence:

• Write like you speak – authenticity resonates more than perfect grammar.

• Start with an outline to organize your thoughts.

• Use tools like Grammarly to catch basic errors and boost confidence.

• Get feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors.

• Remember, practice makes progress. The more you write, the better you'll become.

#4 Scary Thing: Managing Money & Pricing Services

Why it's scary… 

The numbers part of your business can be intimidating - especially if money management is not your strong suit in general - and on top of that the fear of undercharging or overpricing can paralyze many entrepreneurs.

Why you don’t need to be afraid of your business money…

Solid financial management is the backbone of a successful business so it’s simply a part of entrepreneurship that you can’t ignore. And confident pricing reflects the true value of your services. When your clients see that your products and services are priced fairly and in-line with the results you provide, it helps them feel confident in their purchase. 

Tips for simplifying finances and pricing…

• Start with basic bookkeeping software to track income and expenses.

• Research market rates, then price based on the value you provide, not just time spent.

• Don't be afraid to raise your prices as your experience and results grow.

• Consider working with a financial advisor or accountant for personalized guidance.

• Remember: Your prices are a reflection of your worth and the transformation you offer.

#5 Scary Thing: Scaling Your Business & Hiring Help

Why it's scary…

When you start to scale your business and bring on the help you need to do so, you have to start letting go of control and trusting others with your "baby". This can feel risky and also overwhelming; can your business handle staff? Are you ready to manage a team? 

Why you don’t need to be afraid of scaling your business…

Scaling and delegating are essential for business growth. As your business naturally grows you will have to put people and processes in place to help prevent burnout, and ultimately serve more clients.

Strategies for effective delegation and scaling:

• Start small – delegate minor tasks before moving to larger responsibilities.

• Document your processes to ensure consistency when others take over.

• Hire for your weaknesses – bring in people who excel where you struggle.

• Use automation tools (like Automation on a Mission) to streamline repetitive tasks.

• Remember: Delegating frees you to focus on what you do best – serving your clients.

Running a business comes with its share of challenges, but these "scary" aspects don't have to hold you back! By reframing your perspective and implementing these strategies, you can transform these fears into stepping stones for growth.


• Selling becomes serving when you focus on the value you provide.

• Camera confidence grows with practice and authenticity.

• Writing improves with each word you put on the page.

• Financial management gets easier with the right tools and mindset.

• Scaling and delegating open new possibilities for your business and impact.

Every successful entrepreneur has faced these fears. The difference is, they didn't let them stop them. You've got this! Embrace these challenges as opportunities to grow, and watch your business flourish.

Ready to face your business fears head-on? Let Automation On A Mission help you take the big scaries out of marketing, selling and growing your business! 

Book your free demo today and see just how close you are to putting your business fears behind you. Your future clients are waiting for the transformation only you can provide. Take that first brave step today!

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