Insightful tips, in-depth guides, and essential resources to help you streamline your business operations and enhance efficiency, so you can focus on what truly matters!


Insightful tips, in-depth guides, and essential resources to help you streamline your business operations and enhance efficiency, so you can focus on what truly matters!


How to Use Story To Build Websites & Landing Pages

August 11, 20249 min read

You love what you do, you love the clients you serve and you’re an expert in your field! But sometimes it can be tough to convey that passion and expertise on your website and landing pages in a way that makes prospective clients stop and say “Yes, I need this in my life!” 

Many heart-centered entrepreneurs struggle with the challenge of creating compelling web content that truly resonates with their ideal clients but also remains true to their brand voice and ethos.

This is where we love to use Donald Miller's StoryBrand Framework! This game-changing approach to communicating your value to potential clients will give you a clear and simple framework that you can use again and again. 

This method isn't about crafting clever sales pitches or shouting about your accomplishments. Instead, it's about tapping into the power of story to connect with your audience on a deeper and more meaningful level.

Let’s explore how the StoryBrand Framework can transform your website and landing pages from just an online brochure into powerful storytelling tools that speak directly to your clients' needs, desires, and challenges. 


Understanding the StoryBrand Framework

Before we get into the practical applications of the StoryBrand Framework, let's take a deeper look at what it is and why it's so effective, especially for coaches and service providers like you.

The power of story in marketing

As humans, we're hardwired for story. From ancient cave paintings to modern-day Netflix binges, stories have been our primary means of making sense of the world and connecting with others for eons.

And this deeply seeded love for narrative isn't just about entertainment – it's also a powerful tool for communication and persuasion.

In marketing, storytelling goes beyond simply recounting events. It's about creating a narrative that your potential clients can see themselves in; sharing an experience that resonates with them. 

When you use the power of story in your marketing, you're not just sharing information – you're inviting your audience on a journey of transformation…a journey they can see themselves taking. 

The 7 elements of the StoryBrand Framework

Donald Miller's StoryBrand Framework is built on the classic elements of storytelling, adapted for the world of business and marketing. 

Here are the seven key components:

1. A Character (Your Client): The hero of the story, who wants something.

2. Has a Problem: The challenge or pain point that's holding them back.

3. Meets a Guide (You): Someone with the experience and empathy to help.

4. Who Gives Them a Plan: A clear path forward.

5. And Calls Them to Action: An invitation to take the first step.

6. That Helps Them Avoid Failure: What's at stake if they don't act.

7. And Ends in Success: The transformation or result they desire.


Image from South Mountain Messaging

By incorporating these elements into your web content and on landing pages, you create a narrative that resonates deeply with your potential clients and drives action.

Why StoryBrand resonates with clients

The StoryBrand Framework is particularly powerful for coaches and service providers because it:

  • Puts the client at the center
    Instead of talking about how great you are, you're focusing on your client's journey and making it about them.

  • Addresses real pain points
    By acknowledging your clients' struggles, you show that you understand, you care and you know what they are dealing with.

  • Offers hope and a solution
    You position yourself as the guide who can help them achieve their goals.

  • Provides clarity
    In a world of information overload, a clear story cuts through the noise. They aren’t left wondering because they see a clear picture of the transformation you’re offering.

  • Taps into emotion
    Stories speak to both the heart and the mind, leading to stronger connections and more committed, excited clients.

By using this framework, you're not just telling potential clients what you do – you're showing them how you can transform their lives. 

You're not just selling a service; you're inviting them into a story of positive change, with them as the hero and you as their trusted guide.

Applying StoryBrand to Your Website

Now that we understand the StoryBrand Framework, let's look at how to weave this storytelling magic into your website copy! 

Remember, your website is often the first point of contact between you and potential clients. It's like your digital handshake, your virtual office, and your 24/7 salesperson all rolled into one - so it’s important to make a good first impression!

Structuring your homepage as a story

Your homepage should immediately immerse visitors in a compelling story that puts them at the center and leads them to their desired transformation. 

Start with a clear statement that addresses your client's primary desire or problem. For example, "Find Your Purpose, Live Your Best Life."

Above the fold
Briefly explain how you help solve their problem. "We guide overwhelmed professionals to discover their true calling and create a life of fulfillment."

Value proposition
Highlight 3-4 key benefits of working with you. Use simple icons and brief text to make it scannable.

Social proof
Include testimonials or client success stories that demonstrate your impact.

Call to Action (CTA)
Place clear, compelling CTAs throughout the page. "Start Your Journey" or "Book a Discovery Call" are good examples.

Using visuals to support your narrative

Images and videos can powerfully reinforce your story so be thoughtful and strategic about this piece of the story.

Hero image
Choose a picture -
a hero image -  that represents your client's desired outcome.

Process graphics
Use simple visuals to illustrate your coaching or service process.

Before/After imagery
Show the transformation your clients experience when they work with you.

Remember, every image should serve a purpose in your story. Avoid generic stock photos that don't add value.

Ensuring consistency across all pages

Your story should be consistent throughout your site so that no matter what page your visitors come to, the message and story is the same. 

About Page
Frame your background in terms of how it enables you to guide clients to their desired transformation.

Services Page
Structure each service as a mini-story, addressing specific client needs.

Blog Pages
Use your posts to demonstrate your understanding of client challenges and your expertise in solving them.

Crafting StoryBrand-Inspired Landing Pages

Landing pages are your one-service focused sales tools. They should tell a concise, compelling story that guides visitors toward a specific action based on a specific product or service.

Elements of an effective landing page

  • Attention-grabbing headline
    Address the client's primary problem or desire.

  • Subheadline
    Briefly explain the solution you provide.

  • Benefits
    Clearly list how your offer solves their problem or address their challenges.

  • Social proof
    Include relevant testimonials, reviews or any other success metrics.

  • Clear CTA
    Make it clear what action you want them to take.

Steps to incorporating story elements into your design

  1. Acknowledge the problem your potential client, the Hero, is facing with empathy and understanding.

  2. Briefly introduce yourself as the Guide and speak to your expertise.

  3. Outline the Plan; the journey you will take them on to achieve their goal.

  4. Paint a vivid picture of the success they’re seeking and what their life might look like after working with you.

  5. Subtly remind them what a failure to act may result in and why they want to avoid that.

Focusing on the transformation you offer

Remember, your clients aren't buying your services – they're buying the transformation your services will provide them.

  • Use "before and after" scenarios to illustrate the change and transformation.

  • Focus on the emotional benefits as well as practical ones.

  • Use language and messaging that speaks to your ideal client's desires, fears, hopes and challenges.

For example, instead of saying "6-week Group Coaching Program!" you might say "6 Weeks To A Clear Purpose & Renewed Energy For Life!"

When you use emotion and paint the picture, it’s far more impactful and drives the action you desire!

How Automation on a Mission Supports Your StoryBrand Strategy

Implementing the StoryBrand Framework is a powerful first step in building a marketing strategy, but the real magic happens when you combine it with smart automation. 

This is where Automation on a Mission comes in!

Our all-in-one sales and marketing system helps you not just amplify your story but  nurture those important client relationships effortlessly.

With Automation on a Mission, you can:

  • Create welcome sequences that introduce new leads to your story

  • Develop nurture campaigns that address different stages of your client's journey

  • Design follow-up emails that reinforce your role as the guide

  • Segment your audience based on their specific challenges or desires

  • Deliver personalized content that speaks directly to each segment's needs

  • Guide clients through your sales funnel with perfectly timed messages

  • Provide resources and support at each stage of their journey with you

automation on a mission

Automation On A Mission also allows comprehensive tracking and analysis so you can see how effective your campaigns are, or where you may need to make some adjustments to your customer journey. 

The StoryBrand Framework and Automation on a Mission are a match made in business-building heaven!

Reach out to us today and schedule your free demo! We can’t wait to help you! 

The StoryBrand Framework offers a truly powerful way to connect with your ideal clients! Once you understand the simple and effective concepts used within it, applying them to your website, landing pages and other messaging become so easy!  


  • Position your client as the hero of the story

  • Clearly articulate the problem or challenges they're facing

  • Establish yourself as the empathetic, experienced guide

  • Provide a clear plan and a call to action

  • Paint a vivid picture of their success - and the cost of inaction

When you apply these basic principles to your website and landing pages, you create content that truly resonates with your audience.

Now is the time to transform your online presence! 

Start by revisiting your website and landing pages with fresh, StoryBrand eyes and ask yourself:

1. Does my content focus on my clients' needs and desires?

2. Am I clearly communicating how I can guide them to success?

3. Is my call to action clear and compelling?

Remember, marketing and sales is a process, so don't be afraid to make changes, iterate and refine your story as your business evolves and you learn more about the clients you want to serve!

Happy storytelling! 

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