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5 Big Reasons Your Business Needs A Blog

September 09, 20248 min read

The Power Packed Way To Increase Quality SEO Traffic For Your Business

*This week’s post is written by Katie Kastner. Katie is a content writer, certified digital marketer and blogging’s biggest fan!

So you've honed your skills, developed your unique approach, and you're ready to make a significant impact with your business. But in the ever changing digital landscape, how do you ensure that your ideal clients can find you?

Enter the power of SEO blogging - your secret weapon for online visibility and client connection.

In today's digital-first world, having a website for your business is just the beginning of a comprehensive strategy. To truly thrive and attract your dream clients, you need an authoritative and engaging online presence. 

That's where a well-crafted blog - powered by SEO - comes into play.

Blogging isn't just about sharing your thoughts; it's a strategic tool that can dramatically boost your online visibility, establish your expertise, and create meaningful connections with potential clients. 

Whether you're a life coach, business mentor, or holistic healer, a blog can be the bridge that connects your valuable services to those who need them most.

We’re looking at 5 compelling reasons why adding a blog to your website is a no-brainer decision for your business. Ready to unlock the potential of blogging for your practice? Let's dive in!


1. A Blog is SEO’s Best Pal

Whether it’s web search or social search, SEO is king. And creating consistent, high value blog content on your website is still one of the most effective ways to harness the get-found-now power of SEO.

A blog creates space and opportunity to use high target keywords, showcase your expertise and authority and build trust around your brand.

In 2023, Google released their Helpful Content Update and this focused on a content strategy that follows their EEAT format - experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness

Blog content is a great way to create the truly helpful, people-focused content that search engines are looking for. We’ll look more closely at the blog and EEAT relationship in this post. 

2. Blogs Increase Brand Awareness

For service providers, your personal brand is often a big part of your business. 

A blog is a powerful tool to help shape and amplify that brand, making you more recognizable and memorable in a crowded digital landscape.

Here's a few ways that blogging boosts your brand awareness:

  • Consistent Voice
    Regular blogging allows you to develop and showcase your unique voice and perspective. Whether you're compassionate, motivational, or no-nonsense, your blog helps potential clients get a feel for your coaching style.

  • Visual Identity
    Your blog is an extension of your visual brand. Consistent use of colors, fonts, and imagery reinforces your brand identity with every post.

  • Niche Expertise
    By focusing your blog content on your specific niche (e.g., career transition coaching, mindfulness for entrepreneurs), you build your association with that area of expertise.

  • Values and Mission
    Use your blog to share stories and insights that reflect your core values and mission. This helps attract clients who align with your methods and approach.

  • Thought Leadership
    Regularly commenting on industry trends, or offering unique insights, positions you as a thought leader in your field.

  • SEO Benefits
    As mentioned earlier, blogs boost your SEO. As your posts appear in search results, more people become aware of your brand.

  • Cross-Platform Promotion
    Blog content can easily be
    repurposed across social media platforms, extending your brand reach.

  • Client Success Stories
    Sharing (with permission) how you've helped clients can powerfully demonstrate your brand promise.

Remember, brand awareness isn't just about being known – it's about being known for the right things. 

Your blog gives you control over your brand narrative, allowing you to consistently communicate what makes your coaching or healing practice unique and valuable.

By regularly producing content that reflects your expertise, values, and unique approach, you're not just increasing visibility – you're creating a strong, recognizable brand that resonates with your ideal clients. 

3. Blogs Build Relationships

In the world of service based businesses, genuine relationships are the foundation of your success. Your blog is a powerful tool for nurturing these connections with your audience.

Think of your blog as an ongoing conversation with your potential clients.

Each post is an opportunity to:

- Share your insights and experiences, allowing readers to get to know the person behind the practice
- Show empathy and understanding by addressing the challenges your audience faces
- Offer high value, actionable advice that gives readers a taste of what working with you might be like

- Invite engagement through comments or calls-to-action, creating a two-way dialogue

By consistently providing value through your blog, you're not just attracting readers – you're building a community of potential clients who feel connected to you and your approach.

People do business with those they know, like, and trust. 

Your blog helps tick all these boxes:

• Know: Readers get familiar with your expertise and personality

• Like: They resonate with your values and communication style

• Trust: Your consistent, valuable content demonstrates reliability and authority

4. Blogs Establish Your Expertise

As a service provider, your expertise is your most valuable asset. Your blog is the perfect platform to showcase this expertise and position yourself as a thought leader in your field.

Here's a few ways blogging can solidify your expert status:

  • Deep Dives
    Use your blog to explore topics in-depth, demonstrating your comprehensive understanding of your field. For example, a life coach might write a series on different goal-setting techniques, while a wellness practitioner could detail the benefits of various holistic approaches.

  • Case Studies
    Share client success stories (with their permission) that highlight your methods and results. This not only showcases your expertise but also provides social proof of your effectiveness.

  • Trending Topics
    Address current issues or trends in your industry, offering your unique insights. This shows you're up-to-date and engaged with the latest developments in your field.

  • Educational Content
    Create 'how-to' guides or explanatory posts that break down complex concepts for your audience. This positions you as a teacher and go-to resource in your niche.

  • Personal Experiences
    Share your own journey and lessons learned. This humanizes your expertise and makes it relatable to your audience.

  • Guest Contributions
    Invite other experts in complementary fields to contribute to your blog. This association can enhance your own credibility and provide added value to your readers.

Remember, establishing expertise isn't about proving you know everything. It's about consistently demonstrating your knowledge, sharing valuable insights, and showing how your unique approach can benefit your clients.

By regularly publishing high-quality, informative content, you're not just telling potential clients that you're an expert – you're showing them! This builds trust and confidence, making them more likely to choose you when they're ready!

5. Blogs Create Shareable Content

In the digital age, word-of-mouth marketing has sort of evolved into "word-of-click," and your blog posts are the perfect content for this powerful form of marketing.

Here's why shareable blog content is so powerful:

  • Expanded Reach
    When a reader shares your post, you're instantly exposed to their entire network – people you might never have reached otherwise.

  • Social Proof
    Shares act as endorsements. When someone shares your content, they're essentially saying, "This is valuable, and I trust this source."

  • Cost-Effective Marketing
    Organic shares are free publicity, extending your marketing reach without additional cost.

  • Attracts Like-Minded Clients
    People tend to connect with others who share similar interests and values. When your content is shared, it's likely to reach individuals who align with your ideal client profile.

When writing blog content, you want to make sure you’re utilizing certain things that will make it sharing your posts a no-brainer.

  • Offer Unique Insights
    Share your distinct perspective on common challenges your clients face.

  • Use Storytelling
    People connect with and share stories that resonate emotionally.

  • Create Visually Appealing Content
    Include infographics, quotes, or images that are easy to share on social media.

  • Address Timely Topics
    Tap into current trends or issues in your industry with your own, unique take or twist.

  • Provide Actionable Advice
    Give readers practical, relevant tips they can implement immediately.

  • Use Attention-Grabbing Headlines
    Create titles that pique curiosity, promise valuable information and let you reader know exactly what they’ll be getting in the post. 

Also, to make sharing easy, include social share buttons on your blog posts. You can also encourage sharing by ending posts with a CTA like, "Know someone who could benefit from these tips? Share this post!"

Blogging For Business Is A Powerful Tool

Blogging, in the world of business, has been a staple of content marketing for decades but just because it’s a veteran, doesn’t mean it has lost its effectiveness. 

In 2023, B2C companies with blogs produce an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies that don't blog. That’s impressive!

It’s true that in the digital space there are so many ways to market your business and it can be tricky to find the best channels for you. But as a service based business that provides solutions, processes and transformations for your clients, blog content is a powerful tool for showcasing the magic that is you and your business! 

So What’s Next…

Now to write those SEO friendly, content rich blog articles!

This is something that can be done in-house or contracted out to a freelance writer but creating a content plan, having a strong understanding of SEO and utilizing good writing skills are a must. 

Blogging is more than just a tried and true marketing tactic—it's a powerful tool for service providers to connect, educate, and inspire their ideal clients!

By consistently sharing valuable blog content, you're boosting your online visibility, building trust and establishing yourself as a go-to expert in your field - EEAT! Every blog post is an opportunity to make a lasting impact, attract your dream clients, and grow your practice in a meaningful way.

With a blog in place, you’re ready to take your business to the next level! 


Ready to bring your blog content to life? Automation On A Mission can help, schedule your free demo today!

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